
What are INTJ and INFJ Intuition Accuracy?

Published On: December 13, 2023|Categories: INFJ, INTJ|By |Views: 1245|

Is INTJ and INFJ intuition accuracy real?

Of the 16 types, INTJs and INFJs have a unique insight they frequently tap into through their dominant introverted intuition (Ni). INTJ and INFJ intuition accuracy is a real thing. Let’s analyze why!

Intuition is commonly referred to as a magical ability to understand things without explanation and to possibly predict accurate future outcomes. Of the Myers-Briggs types, INTJs and INFJs tend to often have eerily on-point predictions, even from a young age. They naturally peer into the hypothetical future scenarios by simulating potentialities for different people. Sometimes, others may jokingly accuse them of being psychic or using a sixth sense.


In the MBTI world of cognitive functions, intuition is one of the perceiving functions and refers to how individuals intake information. There are two types of perceiving functions: intuition and sensing. These two types of functions can be either introverted or extroverted, resulting in a total of 8 distinct cognitive functions.

Intuitive functions focus on the abstract idea of concepts in the world. Introverted sensing (Si) and extraverted sensing (Se), in contrast to intuition, rely on sensory details from the physical world.

Of the 16 personality types, two personality types lead with introverted intuition (INTJ Mastermind + INFJ Advocate) and two personality types lead with extraverted intuition (ENTP Debater + ENFP Inspirer). Introverted intuition refines down, while extroverted intuition expands. Today, we will explore INTJ and INFJ intuition by analyzing the intuitive power within introverted intuition.

What is Introverted Intuition (Ni)?

Introverted intuition relies primarily on the subconscious and unconscious through deep analysis of the accumulation of past experiences. The mass of information is processed and distilled into core principles through recognizing patterns in the world.

An intuitive personality type can realize and explain the theoretical aspect of behavior analysis of human beings. They may forget the smaller details in exchange for understanding the underlying nature and idea. 75% of the world is sensing-dominant, so it can take a while for an intuitive personality type to begin trusting in their insight because they are a minority in the population.


Introverted intuition is often connotated with the word “vision”. One way to imagine how it is used in one’s head is that meditatively a voice begins to reason through focused thinking. It feels as if the person cannot control what is being communicated and instead, you rely on receiving the intuitive feelings and information.

An Example of Introverted Intuition

For example, say you meet 100 people in a year. Day-to-day, you might not think much of your introductory interactions and conversations. Each new person you meet just adds to a collective memory that you are storing that is full of random details and facts about a group of different people.

Introverted intuition uses this kind of storage bank of seemingly random information to find nuggets of truth, wisdom, and knowledge to answer questions and curiosities that may develop through observation and analysis. Intuition tells a story of connection through seemingly unrelated data.


Let’s say that out of your 100 new acquaintances this year, 65 of them happen to be single, unmarried, and without children… You might start to ask yourself: hmm, why is everyone living life alone when historically humans have started families and prioritized their relationships? What is different now?

This kind of question or curiosity would prompt the use of introverted intuition to seek a cause for this observed effect. It might sift through the memories and notice things such as:

  • Most people spend a lot of time discussing stress from work or other stressful situations.
  • A lot of individuals seemed overstimulated or disconnected as if they weren’t present in the conversation.
  • Sometimes when people spoke about their parents, their body language shifted uncomfortably.


These kinds of observations allow deeper analysis to possibly describe the big picture of what is going on. Those initial patterns recognized can lead you to conclude: Well, it seems like the uptick in stressful lifestyles, overstimulated/disconnected lives, and unhealed childhood traumas might be reasons why a majority of people are consciously or unconsciously afraid of making decisions towards starting families nowadays.

This kind of analysis is a psychological application using introverted intuition. To be fair, this would probably be more common in an INFJ’s mind, as the INFJ personality type is more people-oriented than the INTJ personality type due to their respective auxiliary function of extraverted feeling (Fe) versus extraverted thinking (Te).

Why are INTJ and INFJ gifted with intuition accuracy?

INTJ and INFJ introverted intuition is a well-developed version of this cognitive process as it is their dominant function. They are naturally intuitive. Ni is their primary “Hero” function which they rely on frequently, instinctively, and preferably.


They might have a hard time with a mind-body connection, with an inferior (4th) function of extraverted sensing (Se). However, their visionary ability to listen inwardly gives them access to deep analysis of accumulated data. When they tap into this aspect in their head, they can sense obvious reasonings and potential future outcomes as the unconscious nature of intuition is abundant with information.

Friends who hear the words and reasonings of an INTJ or INFJ tend to be thrown off by their predictions, but with due time, many witness accurate unfolding.

However, their ability is LIMITED and sometimes totally wrong. Out of the Myers-Briggs types, the INTJ and INFJ personality types just happen to tend to have a higher chance of accuracy.

Individuation and Consciousness in the Myers-Briggs Types

Each type has unique gifts, which is why Isabel Briggs Myers titled her book to explain this personality type theory Gifts Differing.


Through maturation and growth of consciousness throughout life, we each can develop into our best version, find fulfilling career paths, and optimize self-care by using the Myers-Briggs personality theory as a tool.

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