INFP Compatibility Chart of INFP Romantic Relationships
INFP Compatibility Chart: Understanding INFP Relationships
Are you looking for an INFP compatibility chart and a quick summary of INFP compatibility in romantic relationships for this personality type?
Are you thinking of dating an INFP and want to learn what INFPs tend to like? Or are you an INFP personality type and want an overview comparison with the 16 different personality types?
Well, look no further. Please enjoy this article to learn about the 16 INFP relationships!
What are INFPs attracted to?
Are you trying to make an INFP fall in love with you? Because you’ll first need to understand what this personality type craves in their relationships.
INFPs tend to have a relaxed and easygoing attitude, empathetic nature, and enjoy meaningful relationships. INFPs seek an emotional and mental connection with someone who aligns with their core values in order to feel any spark in intimate relationships.
In their personal relationships, this personality type desires harmonious relationships. They respect everyone’s personal space and have a strong sense of right versus wrong.
Naturally, they are creative artists who love to observe and try to understand the world around them. From time to time, they can feel extremely sensitive and maybe even considered a highly-sensitive person (HSP).
You can read a summary of who INFP personality type (INFP strengths and INFP weaknesses) is at the conclusion of this post!
INFP Compatibility Chart
This is a simplified MBTI INFP compatibility chart for the INFP personality type. On the y-axis is a spectrum for ease of compatibility, while the x-axis indicates if the other type promotes growth in the INFP.
I have based this chart on Socionic intertype relationships and my personal INFJ compatibility chart.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator & Jung’s 8 Cognitive Functions
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a fun way to learn new perspectives on how different personality types might match up as romantic partners in real life. This type code of psychological type was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs, but the original model was based on Carl Gustav Jung.
Carl Jung’s theory on the 8 cognitive functions helps us understand communication styles, personality preferences, and decision-making standards of the unique personality types. The personality types tend to have a certain way of orienting themselves to the world that is identified through this psychological framework.
One word of caution is that many people may take the Myers-Briggs personality test and get a certain type as a result that may be inaccurate. An online free personality test is limited. It is a good idea to verify a person’s type through the demonstrative use of cognitive functions.
Anyways, let’s explore what romantic relationships look like for each of the Myers-Briggs personality types in INFP relationships!
INFP Compatibility with Each of the MBTI Personality Types
1 – INFJ + INFP Compatibility
The INFJ is attracted to the emotional boldness, artistic nature, and inviting warmth of the INFP. The INFP likes the reciprocated kindness, logical reasoning, and meaningful conversations of the INFJ Advocate personality type.
The INFJ and INFP are a combo with a sensitive nature and similar interests. These are very compatible personality types that love to focus on understanding people. As fellow introverts, they will have mutual respect for each other’s boundaries and energy levels.
They both care deeply to understand and respect each other, offering solace from the overstimulation they may otherwise be used to. The two will enjoy sharing stories, observations, and analyses together. This is a very chill pairing that naturally feels an emotional connection to one another.
It could be noted that the most compatible personality types to be close friends with an INFP are the Idealist temperament types, the other intuitive feelers naturally interested in the same topics and niches. The Idealists vibe effortlessly with the INFP communication style.
2 – ENFJ + INFP Compatibility
ENFJs are the best match for INFPs who desire an outgoing, busy-bodied, and intellectual counterpart. INFPs tend to really value their alone time, but an ENFJ personality type will naturally get them out of their comfort zone while still respecting their personal boundaries.
The ENFJ will always respect the INFP’s values and both personality types will try their best to build a healthy relationship together. The INFP will enjoy the charisma, wit, and depth of an ENFJ. The ENFJ will take pleasure in providing enjoyable memorable experiences for their INFP partner.
Compared to compatibility with other personality types, these two will have a natural flow in their connection as the introverted feeling (Fi) lead function of an INFP is well complemented by the extroverted feeling (Fe) lead function of an ENFJ. Honestly, INFPs may accidentally fall in love with an ENFJ Mentor personality type through a matter of their sweet romantic gestures.
3 – INTP + INFP Compatibility
INTP-INFP relationships might win the place of the most introverted combination possible. Together, these two can share quite a robust intellectual connection with a similar communication style.
They both are naturally interested in a wide range of topics and are types that research many interests for fun in their free time. They both are very homebody individuals who value their personal comfort more than other personality types.
However, their judgments and decision-making approaches oppose each other’s preferences. INFPs may find the cold-hearted thinking of INTPs to be too serious and impersonal, especially if they are conversing about something the INFP finds personally important.
The INTP may find the INFP to be extremely sensitive and might not understand the emotional depths of their partner, but the INTP personality type is definitely one that would be willing to truly work to understand their partner.
4 – ENTP + INFP Compatibility
Between an INFP and ENTP, there will definitely be a little bit of friction between differences in decision-making rationale due to different judging traits. However, an ENTP will learn a lot about how to embody personal values from the INFP Dreamer personality type. ENTPs are super kind, friendly, and charismatic people, but they sometimes totally forget about tuning in to their own emotional intuitions.
The INFP will enjoy lively talks when interacting with or dating an ENTP. At the same time, the ENTP will see how this idealist prioritizes emotional integrity in staying true to their feelings. The two make a suitable match but definitely may experience some challenges in coming to agreements about certain choices of the other.
5 – INFP + INFP Compatibility
INFPs will easily understand other INFPs. As two hopeless romantics together, they can have a thriving relationship with a deep emotional connection. Both will likely romanticize the entire experience.
This could be the best match for types that desire to be deeply understood by their partner in a romantic relationship. Nobody can understand the INFP personality type better than other INFPs to each other. Some INFPs seek that kind of soul recognition that only another INFP could adequately offer.
In such a romantic relationship, both partners would genuinely enjoy their emotional and mental connection. The INFP relationship would feel like a home embodied in a person.
6 – ENFP + INFP Compatibility
These two personalities share the same cognitive functions, which naturally support a great emotional connection and harmonious relationship. Both have a focused future orientation and strong core values. INFPs and ENFPs have a similar communication style that makes for fulfilling deep conversations.
The INFP might occasionally feel overwhelmed by the energetic nature of their ENFP partner, but they will absolutely enjoy the flow when they are in the right mood to be activated in such a way. The ENFP will find the INFP intriguing and in some senses a walking paradox that they feel like they really understand but never quite really can predict.
7 – INTJ + INFP Compatibility
The INFP will benefit from the guidance of an INTJ and the INTJ will appreciate the emotional support and strong personal integrity of the INFP. INFPs are great listeners who genuinely care about the person they are listening to and INTJs value their authenticity.
This makes for a reasonably compatible relationship, as long as the two stay considerate of their partner’s feelings. Both have strong introverted feeling (Fi), with it being the INFP’s dominant function and the INTJ’s tertiary function. This means that both INFP and INTJ personality types can be quite stubborn individuals in some circumstances when they experience a strong sense of preference.
Both desire a partner that aligns with their strong values. These personality types can sustain a relationship as long as the two share mutual goals and are willing to work towards the same future vision.
8 – ENTJ + INFP Compatibility
ENTJs and INFPs may feel a shared mutual initial attraction between each other. They are considered “half-dual” counterparts whose weaknesses are each other’s strengths. In a romantic relationship, the two can flourish with their mutual thinking preferences while delighting in many intellectually-stimulating conversations.
INFPs struggle with executive planning, though they are definitely capable of their 4th function extroverted thinking (Te). The ENTJ personality type will naturally greatly assist their partners to accomplish more, plan better, and work effectively. The two will admire many innate abilities of the other and they can have pretty fun conversations centered around abstract theories and innovative ideas.
Of the intuitive-dominant personality types, an ENTJ might be the best match. INFPs are most compatible with people with who they can respect and feel a deep heartfelt connection. ENTJs will warm up to INFPs and eventually be able to share their more sensitive side with them.
9 – ISFJ + INFP Compatibility
The ISFJ will admire the INFP’s creativity and optimistic idealism. In a relationship, the ISFJ will bring practicality to sustain daily living. The INFP will be great at thinking big picture, while their ISFJ partner will provide the necessary attention to detail to make dreams become realistic plans.
The two personalities share a preference for feeling and prioritize emotional connection in intimate relationships. They will both try their best to be loving supportive partners to one another, but may occasionally feel tension from differences in decision-making rationales.
10 – ESFJ + INFP Compatibility
The ESFJ personality type will adore their INFP partner who they love to bounce topic to topic in engaging conversations. The INFP will find the ESFJ to be a person they can always rely on to also always consider other people’s feelings as they have a genuine empathetic nature as well.
The two will feel a secure emotional connection in a romantic relationship. INFPs sometimes struggle with communicating what they need, but ESFJs will enjoy overdelivering care to ensure that others feel comfortable in their presence.
The one setback may be that INFPs tend to crave a strong mental connection in their relationships, and ESFJs delight more in light-hearted talks rather than deeper conversations.
11 – ISTP + INFP Compatibility
INFPs tend to want a deeper emotional connection than what most ISTPs are naturally willing to offer in romantic relationships. The ISTP personality type is a very action-oriented type but they have a pretty reserved (truly introverted) nature to them.
These personality types may clash as a result of their lead functions that are polar opposites. Additionally, the two do not share any cognitive functions which can make sustaining long conversations together rather challenging.
However, INFPs and ISTPs will both at least will respect and fully understand each other’s needs for alone time to recharge. Both personality types value personal autonomy, independence, and freedom.
12 – ESTP + INFP Compatibility
Both ESTP and INFP individuals tend to be pretty easy-going and go-with-flow types. They definitely can get along effortlessly as friends in platonic relationships and as acquittances. ESTPs will love an INFP friend.
You can notice in the compatibility chart that I put this pairing in the lowest position when both ease and promoted growth are considered.
In Socionics, this pairing is considered a “Conflict” intertype relationship due to a lack of any shared cognitive functions and contrasting preferences for stimulation. This makes for a less-than-ideal situation in long-term romantic relationships. Both would have easier compatibility with other personality types.
13 – ISFP + INFP Compatibility
ISFPs and INFPs are similar in their strong core values and thorough exploration of their emotions. Both must be wary of their own behavior in terms of reacting to emotions and will need to practice discernment in how to better respond to each other.
Lots of personal space would be needed for long-term harmony in an ISFP-INFP relationship. This pair might have more fun being close friends because they can keep a more relaxed approach to connection with less clashing.
14 – ESFP + INFP Compatibility
ESFP partners will always keep their loved ones laughing and smiling, which INFPs will vibe well with. The ESFP will lure INFPs out of their comfort zone in a very enjoyable way. The two can enjoy a vibrant relationship filled with fun and lots of laughs together.
INFPs excel at introspection and turning inwards, while ESFPs excel at the direct opposite of extraverting and taking action in the present moment. For a relationship to work, the two personality types must be committed to striving for a healthy balance between introverted and extraverted activities and interactions.
15 – ISTJ + INFP Compatibility
ISTJ and INFP may experience a feeling of activation in the presence of one another, feeling more extroverted in the presence of each other.
The INFP’s imaginative idealism will really contrast with the ISTJ’s grounded practicality, yet the two will feel easily comfortable with one another as they share all the same cognitive functions.
These two can easily have initial chemistry and feel sparks together, but over time the pair can fall vulnerable to miscommunications.
16 – ESTJ + INFP Compatibility
This particular combination can make for a harmonious relationship. The two have effortlessly-complementary communication styles. INFPs are most compatible from a cognitive function perspective with types that share judging traits, making ESTJs a good potential match. This pair not only shares all the same cognitive functions but in the special reverse order that makes them a “dual” intertype relationship.
You will see on the compatibility chart above that the ESTJ personality type rates quite high in ease of compatibility and although I put them on the lower end of promoting growth, the ESTJ actually could really assist an INFP to develop their inferior function of extroverted thinking (Te).
The INFP will help the ESTJ to validate their hidden emotional sensitivity while the ESTJ will support the INFP to succeed in the pursuit of their life goals and personal pursuits.
Who Are INFPs?
INFP’s Strengths
- INFPs like to thoroughly explore their own emotions, which makes them acutely attuned to other people’s feelings
- INFPs strive for integrity, good morality, and strong values
- INFP’s imagination is great at finding creative solutions in stressful situations
- INFPs love building deeper connections and will be fair in their relationships
INFP’s Weaknesses
- INFPs might stay in a bad relationship longer than they should as a result of their empathy (INFPs fall particularly vulnerable in casual dating circumstances)
- INFPs can be hopeless romantics, which can cloud their objective criticism
“Assertive versus Turbulent”
This distinction between INFP-A and INFP-T is actually NOT based on the original framework on MBTI. This actually was made up of the 16personalities.com online test that combined the testing guidelines of the Big 5 personality framework along with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator framework.
The site correlated type preferences to each of the 5 personality traits. OCEAN is the acronym used to easily remember each of the traits.
Big 5 Personality Traits (“OCEAN”)
- O is for Openness, which the test correlates to a spectrum between Sensation and Intuition (S vs N)
- C is for Conscientiousness, which correlates to Judging and Perceiving (J vs P)
- E is for Extraversion, which correlates to Introversion and Extroversion (I vs E)
- A is for Agreeableness, which correlates to Feeling and Thinking (F vs T)
- N is for Neuroticism, which does not correlate to any MBTI type preference… which is why they made up the aspect of “assertive” (-a) and “turbulent” (-t)
I hope you enjoyed this summary of what each type is like when dating an INFP with the INFP compatibility chart and who the INFPs are.
If you have any requests for a compatibility chart, please let me know! Wishing you the best in learning about how each type can find a great partner through the lens of 16 personality types and understanding Jungian cognitive functions.
I truly believe that these frameworks can be used as a powerful tool in picking an awesome partner and sustaining a happy long-term relationship.