
Growth Mindmap of ENTJ Commander Personality Type

Published On: January 30, 2023|Categories: ENTJ|By |Views: 2889|

The ENTJ Commander Personality Type

ENTJs are programmed for success. They are hardwired for hard work, grit, and courageous exploration. They love fun and connecting meaningfully with others through strong bonds.

The ENTJ personality type is curious, enthusiastic, and highly intuitive. They love to add energy to a party or group through humor. ENTJs joke best through telling others the truth in a witty way.


ENTJs are analysts in temperament, which makes they naturally desire to improve the world around them through application of their incredible thinking capabilities. Additionally, they are gamma quadra, which excels at business and creating productive relations.


ENTJ Compatibility Chart

I’ll soon write a full article about ENTJ relationship compatibility with each of the 16 types!



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