
What’s the Difference Between Feeling and Thinking in MBTI?

Published On: January 28, 2023|Categories: Myers Briggs Types Explained, Psychology|By |Views: 1082|

What’s the Difference Between Feeling and Thinking MBTI?

Are you wondering if you really are a feeler or a thinker? This article teaches you a new perspective on feeling vs thinking. Have you been researching personality traits to understand yourself better? Maybe you have taken a personality test or two and you are now spending time trying to understand what all the terms mean.

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung developed a theory that recognized that people use four primary cognitive functions: Intuition, Sensing, Feeling, and Thinking with either introverted or extroverted tendencies. In Jungian theory, there are therefore 8 total cognitive functions: introverted iNtuition (Ni), extroverted iNtuition (Ne), introverted Sensing (Si), extroverted Sensing (Se), introverted Feeling (Fi), extroverted Feeling (Fe), introverted Thinking (Ti), and extroverted Thinking (Te).

Each person uses all eight functions, but with different skill abilities. 4 functions are primarily conscious and easier to use than the 4 other more unconscious functions in a person. A person’s dominant function will be either introverted or extroverted and a person’s auxiliary (second) function will be the opposite of their first dominant one.

Feeling vs Thinking


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Mother-daughter duo Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers expanded upon Carl Jung’s 8 cognitive functions theory to develop the MBTI framework. Myers Briggs Type Indicator identifies 16 distinct personality types that each use a unique order of cognitive functions. MBTI is a type code, consisting of 4 letters that indicate type preference. Introversion versus Extroversion (I vs E) is the first pair of options. The typing is followed by Sensing versus iNtuition (S vs N), Thinking versus Feeling (T vs F), and Judging versus Perceiving (J vs P).

Read articles on Introverted Intuitives: INFJ, INFP, INTJ, INTP
Read articles about the Extroverted Intuitives: ENFJ, ENFP, ENTJ, ENTP


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