Dr. Dario Nardi INFJ Subtypes (Socionics DCNH)

Published On: April 3, 2024|Categories: INFJ|By |Views: 13506|

What are INFJ subtypes?

The psychological subtypes were originally introduced by Viktor Gulenko, but Dr. Dario Nardi expanded upon the framework in his latest released book Decode Your Personality (2024). The four subtypes are INFJ-D (dominant), INFJ-C (creative), INFJ-N (normalizing), and INFJ-H (harmonizing)

Viktor Gulenko’s subtype theory explains why “you will see that, despite the shared type, some will be more active, others more passive, some more resourceful, and others more reserved, etc.”


In this article, you’ll find a quick summary of the distinctions between the 4 INFJ subtypes according to Dr. Dario Nardi’s brain research.

I recently interviewed Dario and you can find our interview on my YouTube channel if you’re interested in hearing about his journey conducting brain research in the field of personality typology. His work is so fascinating and I absolutely love the direction that he is taking it!

Anyways, let’s explore the subtypes a little. If you know that you’re definitely an INFJ, be sure to also check out some of my other INFJ articles I’ve written. 🙂


INFJ-D (The Dominant INFJ Subtype)

An INFJ-D subtype is deemed the “Bold Educator” who tends to be more driven and confident compared to other INFJs. The Dominant INFJ is outspoken and not afraid of disagreement. They take chances, engage actively in the world, and enjoy having an audience.

The Brain Wiring Pattern of an INFJ-D Subtype

The neurological patterns observed in Dr. Dario Nardi’s research reflect that this INFJ subtype shows a bias toward frontal activity with a weak “starburst” pattern too. The front bias reflects that they tend to have very good executive functioning, which means that they have a good grasp of controlled and more rational decision-making.

Often, they have strong spoken and written communication. They likely pronounce their insights, rather than hiding or downplaying such thoughts.


INFJ-C (The Creative INFJ Subtype)

An INFJ-C subtype gets the name of “Passionate Creator” that is more exploratory and social than other INFJs. The Creative INFJ is curious, imaginative, and trusts in channeling their creative flow power.

The Brain Wiring Pattern of an INFJ-C Subtype

The neural pattern of this INFJ subtype reveals a strong starburst pattern to indicate a highly intuitive mind. They excel at taking in everything around them and synthesizing the mass of what they learn into something novel.

Often, they have a hidden talent to manage complexity and execute abstract analysis. However, they might struggle with mundane day-to-day tasks due to their more scattered brain activity.

INFJ-N (The Normalizing INFJ Subtype)

Dr. Dario Nardi calls this INFJ subtype the “Enduring Associate” who tends to be more conventional and specialized than other INFJs. In his Neuroscience of Personality book, he claims that INFJs are more often “generalists,” so this subtype might be less of a generalist.

The Brain Wiring Pattern of an INFJ-N Subtype

The brain wiring of this subtype can be more closely reflective of the general population, and they show a mix of linear connections. They excel with conventional skills, making everyday life not too much of a struggle compared to the typical INFJ. The brains of the INFJ-N subtype show zigzag connections, as they process their life experiences into unique understandings that may feel like a leap or turn of thinking.

Often, they have remarkable self-management skills and are adept with language. They can communicate very well practically through writing reports for a custom audience. More than other INFJs, they have a high endurance for their pursuits of goals, especially when their reason is compelling and clear.


INFJ-H (The Harmonizing INFJ Subtype)

The INFJ-H subtype is the “Prophetic Councilor” who is more empathic and reflective than most INFJs. They are in a sense ethereal, philosophical, and poetic.

The Brain Wiring Pattern of an INFJ-H Subtype

Harmonizing INFJs show a mix of complex patterns that are a diamond-like network and cross hemispheres in the brain. This brain patterning supports a specialized skillset that mixes holistic and analytical approaches. They also may tap into soft starburst patterns and some zigzag connections. However, they are more disconnected from the executive regions.

Often, they are very sensitive and attuned to social feedback and vocal tonations of others. They excel in advising others, such as in the fields of counseling, healthcare, or even shamanic healing. There is a natural knack for cross-cultural understanding and holding multiple perspectives with detachment. For them, everything feels interrelated and that could be a challenge to effectively communicate in depth.



Both Viktor Gulenko and Dr. Dario Nardi also calls the subtypes a theory on variants of personality. Dario specifically claims it is best to look at the subtypes as different strengths each type has access to.

I will write and share future content about Viktor Gulenko’s framework in Socionics with subtypes.

Thank you for reading! Check out a few other INFJ articles I have published.



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